
Wrestling is at it's best when it's treated less like UFC and more like an extended anime tournament arc.
I do wrestling deep dives and storyline analyses on twitter; find them here

My Twitter Threads

Ranting, speculation, and explainers about my favorite wrestlers and storylines

Sed feugiat

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Nisl blandit

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My Twitter Threads

The Elite
Foreshadowing - I listen to an older Kenny interview and reflect on the nature of long term wrestling storytelling and Kenny's skill with it. I expanded on this thought a little while later
The BTE Trigger - A quick and dirty critical analysis
The Beer is not just a Beer - Reflecting on why Kenny poured out that first beer from FTR. Further elaborated here
I am BooBoo the Fool - Where I speculate that the Cleaner coming back is just a rib (ha!) and reflect on the last period of Elite cohesion before the fall (which still has its rough points)
Kenny's Gear - Pointing out how plain Kenny's gear has been in this time and how odd it is that he doesn't match the Bucks when they're tag teaming, and speculating on how it may be reflecting his current mental state
The Elite are just as important as the Golden Lovers - Just a dash of salt about how the Bucks were feeling during Kenny's epic reunion with Kota
Hot Take: Ibushi Kota is not as babyface as one might think
You can never go back - Reflecting on Kenny's state of mind immediately post All Out 2020 and some speculating about how the Cleaner will have to be different this time around, because Kenny is different
The Bucks, BTE, and Long Term Storytelling - discussing BTE and the Buck's narrative skill, and reflecting on THEIR state of mind post All Out 2020
Hangman and the Bucks - a breakdown of the whys and hows of the crumbling of their relationship
Heel Bucks - Wherein I ask what the big deal is about heel vs. heel feuds and contend that Heel Bucks is Good, Actually
Seconding Drama - The Bucks are really cagey about seconding people who are not Kenny, and this upsets people
OG Young Bucks - In which I speculate that when the Bucks talk about going to the way they were before, they may be talking about the era before the Bullet Club, which was largely centered around Kenny
Kenny's "Star Power" AEW got a lot of criticism for not pushing Kenny as hard as they could have and I spoke about why i find that attitude so frustrating
The New Cleaner - a comparison of the new version of The Cleaner verses the Bullet Club version of old
Seconding Drama, Cont. - Why DIDN'T the Bucks second Kenny for his match against Mox?
Change the World, Change History - How Kenny employs subtext to make digs at people in his promos, and why the bucks might be reacting to this now so differently than the way they did in 2018
Kenny on how he "Reverse Ibushi'd" Page - Kenny speaking about how his current behavior reflects Ibushi's past behavior. Screenshots of the deleted quoted tweets are in the replies
Kenneth Omegatron, What the Actual Fuck - when I decompensated in real time listening to Kenny completely erase his history with the bucks on Talk is Jericho. Here's a calmer reflection after i recoverd somewhat
The Mythology of Kenny Omega - Where I discuss the tactics at play when Kenny is being blatantly, provably ahistorical in his recent discussions of his own history
IBUSHI KOTA WON WRESTLE KINGDOM WITH THE BTE TRIGGER - I break down this unhinged assertion with an analysis of the moves at play and the history surrounding them. I then messed up the thread so the last two tweets in it can be seen here. The Golden Elite is real.

Misc Salt
Yes, and - That time I snapped and spent seven tweets burying JR
Beg for Scraps or Starve - my ongoing feud with AEW Heels and AEW'S incredibly bad booking of the women's division in general
Bad AEW Women's Division Opinions - People have them and i wish they'd stop

Sed feugiat

Mauris porta ex id nisl eleifend blandit a eu ex. Praesent nunc massa, lorem sed finibus ac, vehicula eget diam. Sed faucibus feugiat neque eget amet interdum. Nunc at tortor eget purus faucibus tempor. Donec sagittis suscipit porta. Duis mollis orci non erat convallis fringilla. Mauris porta ex sed nisl eleifend magna nisl et magna feugiat neque eget interdum. Nunc at tortor eget purus faucibus tempor. Donec sagittis suscipit porta. Duis mollis orci non erat convallis fringilla sed interdum.

Duis mollis orci non erat convallis fringilla. Mauris porta ex id nisl eleifend blandit a eu ex. Praesent nunc massa, pellentesque sed finibus ac, vehicula eget diam. Sed faucibus feugiat neque eget interdum. Nunc at tortor eget purus faucibus sagittis suscipit porta.

Nisl blandit

Mauris porta ex id nisl eleifend blandit a eu ex. Praesent nunc massa, lorem sed finibus ac, vehicula eget diam. Sed faucibus feugiat neque eget amet interdum. Nunc at tortor eget purus faucibus tempor. Donec sagittis suscipit porta. Duis mollis orci non erat convallis fringilla. Mauris porta ex sed nisl eleifend magna nisl et magna feugiat neque eget interdum. Nunc at tortor eget purus faucibus tempor. Donec sagittis suscipit porta. Duis mollis orci non erat convallis fringilla sed interdum.

Duis mollis orci non erat convallis fringilla. Mauris porta ex id nisl eleifend blandit a eu ex. Praesent nunc massa, pellentesque sed finibus ac, vehicula eget diam. Sed faucibus feugiat neque eget interdum. Nunc at tortor eget purus faucibus sagittis suscipit porta.